Infant & Toddler


This Course has been planned to develop sequentially from one stage of understanding to the next. Upon acceptance to the Program, students may opt to begin with an independent study of Montessori Philosophy and Pedagogy and Child Development. Students entering without a Montessori Early Childhood teaching credential are required to attend the Montessori Overview Course.

The Infant -Toddler Course begins in September of each academic year, with the Montessori Overview Course beginning in August. The academic workshop and practicum phases may be concurrent, with the anticipated successful completion in June of the same academic year. Adult learners may voluntary defer the practicum phase to the following academic year, with the anticipated successful completion at the end of that year in June.

IInfant and Toddler Calendar 2024-2025click to open

Academic Workshop

The Academic Workshop includes lectures, presentation of the Montessori Materials, Supervised Practice, Presentation of Classroom Management and Observation Techniques, Overview of School Leadership and Administration, Discussion of Album Requirements, Action Research and Curriculum Development.

Child Development

Coursework includes: Theories of development, prenatal development and childbirth, infant and toddler development, stages of development of the young child, attachment theory, areas of development: physical, cognitive, emotional, social; current research on brain development and infant mental health; and special education.

Montessori Philosophy and Pedagogy

Coursework includes: A general overview of Montessori’s principles and ideas, her view of the child and his/her place in society, with an emphasis on Montessori’s concept of the child from birth to three. Scientific analysis of how to nurture and assist the unfolding human personality; care of physical and psychological needs; daily routines as curriculum; strategies for assistance; positive communication, with an emphasis on personal development of the adult caregiver and the qualities of the adult based on Montessori’s view of the child and on personal development of the adult caregiver and the qualities of the adult based on Montessori’s view of the child and activities for infants and toddlers.

Environmental Design

Coursework includes: designing an aesthetically pleasing infant and toddler environment that is conducive to learning and meeting the needs of sensitive periods for language, movement, development of the senses, independence and order through activities, space and materials. This course also includes health, safety and legislation.

Program Leadership and Administration

Coursework includes: The rationale for scheduling, administrative issues, financial and budgetary fee factors, funding, personnel matters, legislation and standards, childcare policy.

Child, Family, and Community

Coursework includes: psychology of parenthood, child-rearing practices, resource and referral agencies and protocol, parent-teacher conferencing, parental involvement, parent education, health and nutrition, community networking.


Coursework includes: Lecture, guided classroom observation, and documented observation the field.

Personal Growth and Development

Coursework includes: Professionalism, ethical behavior, introspection, the continued spiritual growth of the adult, peace education, and working as a member of a team.

Program Leadership

Coursework includes: Montessori classroom management; History of Montessori programs and comparison with other models; record keeping and evaluation; curriculum planning and development; adjusting the environment to meet full-day/year-round Montessori; multiculturalism and diversity; legal and organizational aspects of Montessori school administration. Action Research
Development of action research on an area of interest or toward the enhancement of direct practice in the Montessori classroom.


The Practicum consists of a classroom experience of at least 540 hours (over a nine-month period) in a pre-approved infant and toddler model setting that provides the Intern with supervisory support in the classroom and periodic observation and evaluation. The purpose of the internship is to provide the student with the opportunity for gradual, personal and practical experience as a Montessori Teacher.


Final review and examinations are a requirement of the MI-NE Teacher Education Courses. During Course III, students complete their examinations and present their final projects. Upon successful completion, students are recommended for an American Montessori Society (AMS) Infant and Toddler Credential or an American Montessori Society (AMS) Associate Infant and Toddler Credential.*