Early Childhood


This Course has been planned to develop sequentially from one stage of understanding to the next. Upon acceptance to the Program, students may opt to begin with an independent study of Montessori Philosophy and Pedagogy and Child Development.

The Early Childhood Course begins in August of each academic year. The academic workshop and practicum phases may be concurrent, with the anticipated successful completion in June of the same academic year. Adult learners may voluntary defer the practicum phase to the following academic year, with the anticipated successful completion at the end of that year in June.

Early Childhood Calendar 2024-2025 click to open

Academic Workshop

The Academic Workshop includes lectures, presentation of the Montessori Materials, Supervised Practice, Presentation of Classroom Management and Observation Techniques, Overview of School Leadership and Administration, Discussion of Album Requirements, Action Research and Curriculum Development.

Child Development

Coursework includes: Theories of development, stages of development, areas of development: physical, cognitive, emotional, social; attachment theory, current research on brain development and special education.

Montessori Principles and Philosophy

Coursework includes: History of Dr. Montessori’s Life and Work, philosophy specific to the Montessori Method and Movement, role of the teacher/ directress, pedagogy, prepared environment, didactic materials.


Coursework includes:  Lecture and documented observation in the field.

Practical Life

Coursework includes: Care of Person, Care of Environment, Grace and Courtesy, and Control of Movement


Coursework includes: Visual, Tactile, Auditory, Olfactory, Gustatory, and Stereognostic Work


Coursework includes: Development of Speech, Pre-writing and Pre-reading Mechanics, The Function of Words, Grammar, Reading and Writing Programs, and Assessment Tools


Coursework includes: Introduction to Number, The Four Operations in the Decimal System, Passage to Abstraction, Fractions and Higher Math

Cultural Subjects

Coursework includes History, Geography, Zoology, Botany, Ecology, Simple Machines, Astronomy, Geology, Social Studies, Art, Music and Movement.

Classroom Leadership/Management, Parent Education, School Administration

Coursework includes: Professionalism, ethical behavior, introspection, classroom management, environmental design, community resource and referral, administrative issues, parental involvement and education, childrearing practices, financial and budgetary issues, childcare policy and legislation, health and safety in childcare.

Action Research

Development of action research on an area of interest or toward the enhancement of direct practice in the Montessori classroom.


The Practicum consists of a full-time classroom experience of at least 540 hours (over a nine-month period) in a Montessori early childhood setting that provides the Intern with supervisory support in the classroom and periodic observation and evaluation. The purpose of the internship is to provide the student with the opportunity for gradual, personal and practical experience as a Montessori Teacher.


Final review and examinations are a requirement of the MI-NE Teacher Education Courses. During Course IV, students complete their examinations and present their final projects. Upon successful completion, students are awarded an American Montessori Society (AMS) Early Childhood Credential or an American Montessori Society (AMS) Associate Early Childhood Credential.*